light sculptures made in oakland

made by robert temple

Reclaimed Luminosity makes functional art using recycled materials.

Welcome to the Reclaimed Luminosity site! Our gallery of available lamps links directly to my online Etsy shop for your ease of purchase. Please be aware that certain lamps are only available for local pickup which are designated on each appropriate Etsy listing. Thanks and enjoy!

Newest Creations

Click on the images to be sent directly to my etsy store. Click the button below to see all of my available lamps.

shop by size

Upcoming Events

Temescal Arts Community Events

My lamps will be featured at a few events this month. Click the button below for all the details!


Do you have an item gathering dust that you’d like to do something with? a broken-but-loved trinket? a gift that you don’t love but can’t get rid of? Let’s make something together.